Can we go back to nature?
In an age of relentless consumption and urbanization, my photographic project “Can We Go Back to Nature?” explores the stark contrasts between today’s civilization and the lifestyle of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
The project challenges viewers to consider whether the relentless pace and pressures of modern life are truly beneficial. Historically, hunter-gatherers enjoyed a lifestyle characterized by less work, greater food diversity, and a deeper connection with their environment.
My work investigates whether these elements contributed to a higher quality of life compared to today’s standards.
Visitors are invited to engage with a series of questions designed to prompt self-reflection and dialogue about their personal experiences and lifestyles.
These questions aim to bridge the gap between individual experiences and broader societal issues of mental health, environmental pollution, and lifestyle choices. By reflecting on these questions, viewers can make personal connections to the overarching theme of the project: the juxtaposition of modern life’s comforts against its pitfalls.
“Can We Go Back to Nature?” is a visual journey that challenges us to imagine a world where balance, simplicity, and ecological harmony once again take precedence.
Do you have or have you ever had depression?
do you suffer from atopic dermatitis?
Do you have high blood pressure?
Do you know your ecological footprint?
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?
Do you consume more resources with your consumer behavior than are available?
Do you prefer a sweet drink to a glass of water?
Do you try to avoid air travel?
Do your knees hurt sometimes?
Would you like to be more sporty?
Do you know someone who has diabetes?
Were you often criticized as a child?
Hat dein Arbeitsplatz Tageslicht?
Do you live in a single-family home?
Do you own a car?
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